Adam Barwood one of only 18 Finishers from 91 Racers

Yongpyong, Korea (16 January 2017) - Racing got off to a tough start at the Far East Cup series being held at the venue for the 2018 Olympic Winter Games in Korea. Of the 91 competitors on the start list for the men's Slalom, only 18 were able to complete two runs of the incredibly icy course, including NZ's Adam Barwood (Queenstown) who finished ninth.

Attracting a strong Continental Cup field, the race carried the minimum penalty (6 FIS points) and the result will take Barwood a step closer to his goal of representing NZ at the Games next year.

Willis Feasey (Twizel) did not finish his second run.

The women's field also suffered a high attrition rate with only seven finishers from 43 racers. Piera Hudson (Havelock North) did not finish her first run in the ladies' race.

Results here

Racing continues tomorrow with the Giant Slalom

Adam Barwood one of only 18 Finishers from 91 Racers

8 years ago
  Adam Barwood, Far East Cup, Korea